Human rights for everyone

About Us

Who are we?

“We are the people engaged in different professions who have come together for the service of humanity”

We follow, adopt and promote universal declaration of human rights of United Nations and Indian Constitution, national and international laws. We try to disseminate awareness among people about their own rights as human being and for the protection of environments. We promote better health care service for ailing people, provide service for the humanitarian ground and participate in disaster relief.

We believe that

  • All human beings are born free.
  • All people have equal rights by virtue of being human to lead life with dignity regardless of nationality, sex, age, race, religion, language, or other status.
  • All human beings have the rights to live in liberty and security.
  • All human beings have the right to the protection of the law and equality before the law.
  • All human beings have the right to work, to own property and to receive equal pay.
  • All human beings have the right to education and consenting marriages.
  • All human beings have the right to freely participate in their own cultural activities.
  • All human beings have the right to self-determination.


World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history when about 70 million civilians and fighters were killed. millions were left homeless, and millions more began an uncertain life as refugees. The horrors of World War II reinforced the demands to establish a global bill of human rights that would obligate "every state to recognize the equal right of every individual on its territory to life, liberty, property, religious freedom and the use of his/her own language." This idea was echoed in the stated aims of the then newly formed United Nations in 1945. On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations had made the historical Universal Declaration of Human Rights a combination of international beliefs on the rights, freedoms, and dignity of human beings. The declaration urged member nations to promote a number of human, civil, economic and social rights. It asserted that these rights are pat of the 'foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world'.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has inspired many individuals and policymakers around the world to work toward a better world. Since then significant numbers of organizations for the protection of human rights have developed in most of the countries of the world. Following this trend many government and non-govermment organizations have been developed in West Bengal also, particularly in Kolkata (Calcutta). In 1998, a group of learned and pro-people minded persons from different disciplines had come together and formed the Committee for the Protection of Democracy & Human Rights (West Bengal) under the leadership of Shri Shibaji Dasgupta. Unfortunately the founder members, like Shibaji Dasgupta, Abdul Mannan Khan and some others are no longer with us. We always recognize and remember their services for the humanity and struggles towards establishing human rights.
The menmbers of CPDHR (W.B) always engaged in activities for the welfare of the people. especially the depressed section of our society. Every year the ditferent units of this organization, located in different areas of the state of West Bengal, organize various health programs like, blood donation camp; free general health checkup, frec eye checkup with free cataract operation by the renowned doctors for the distracted people as well as distribution of free spectacles among them. CPDHR (W.B.) members are always actively involved in voluntary service to the people affected by natural disasters like floods. earthquakes etc. and always serving them with medicine, food and clothes. CPDHR (W.B.) always stands beside the ailing and deprived people and dedicated to establish and aware the people about his/her fundamental rights as a human being.

State Affiliation

Committee for Protection of Democracy & Human Rights (West Bengal) is a state government registered (Registration No. S /IL /55753, 1998) non-profit, non-government, non-political organization. The registered office of CPDHR is at 64A Diamond Harbour Road , Kolkata- 700 023, West Bengal, India. The central office of the organization is at 29/1, Tollygung Circular Road, Kolkata- 700 053, West Bengal, India.


CPDHR is a non-political, non-protit, non-Govemment organization. Most part of the total fund of the organization is crealed by the membership fees and contributions and donations from the members. The organization has been facing fund constraints since its birth and becomes a major problem to carry out our activities. We are therefore appealing to all the rational people to help us for the service of humanity. We are also appealing here to the corporate houses to extend their hands of cooperation towards us for a novel cause and considered this as their corporate social responsibilities.

Our approach

  • We dedicate our efforts to protect human rights and to end human rights abuses.
  • Against any violations of human rights we call for remedial actions both at a governmental and grass-roots level.
  • We arrange relief for the victims of natural calamities like flood, earthquake etc.
  • We always try to serve for the humanity and are dedicated to enhance the weifare of the people, especially the backward and deprives section of our society.

Our Appeal to Join the Movement

Our humble appeal to all the people around the world is to join our organization for the novel cause of ensuring human rights for all the of this world. We shall citizens make our world a place worthy to live where every individual human being can live with his/her own identity and dignity and enjoy liberty and security.